2023 Showcase Schedule

To acknowledge and celebrate every interns' contributions, this showcase is scheduled in such a way that every intern has a chance to present both their departmental projects and cohort projects.

Departmental projects are presented through a walk-in poster session around the hall, while cohort projects are presented collectively with their fellow intern teammates on the main stage.

Showcase Presentations

Time Duration Topic
8:00 a.m. 60 mins Coffee, Set-up, & Networking
9:00 a.m. 45 mins

Department Poster Session (Group A)

9:45 a.m. 30 mins

Cohort Project Presentations (Group A)

  • Authentication Experience at Michigan Medicine

    presented by Daniel Colmenares, Steven Hou, Kurt Holland, Serena Irani, and Allison Singleton

    sponsored by Ashley Gelisse, Michigan Medicine
  • Membership Tracking Tool

    presented by Taha Abbas, Reed McAlpin, Amit Nyamagoudar, Nivethaa Ravichandran, and Avinash Singh

    sponsored by Gabriel Mongefranco and Conni Harrigan, Michigan Medicine
  • Smartwatch Sleep Diary App

    presented by Raphael Chin, Anika Chowdhury, Max Liu, and Quishi Zhao

    sponsored by Gabriel Mongefranco and Victoria Bennett, Michigan Medicine
10:15 a.m. 45 mins

Department Poster Session (Group B)

11:00 a.m. 40 mins

Cohort Project Presentations (Group B)

  • Lessons Learned in TDX

    presented by Ruba Agour, Nick Beatty, Yu-Jin Choi, Esther Park, and Brenna Prescott

    sponsored by Jeff Castle, ITS Project Management Office
  • CEW+ Scholar Search Tool

    presented by Josephine Anderson, Kapotaksha Das, Adria Shines, and Riya Munot

    sponsored by Angela Ebreo and Erin Lane, CEW+
  • Mevent

    presented by Mitchell Carter, Arthur Castillo, Kieran Haas, Leon Li, and Cindy Zhang

    sponsored by Yongqi Wu
  • Org Change Management

    presented by Courtney Banks, Latitude Brown, and Sarah Stec

    sponsored by Greg Stathes, ITS Project Management
11:40 a.m. 45 mins

Department Poster Session (Group C)

12:25 p.m. 40 mins

Cohort Project Presentations (Group C)

  • Can AI Help with Identity Matching?

    presented by Emily Chen, Amirali Danai, Atharva Kulkarni, Yi-yang Lu, and Alex Ji

    sponsored by DePriest Dockins and Gail Lift, ITS Information Assurance
  • API Feature Exploration Using Denodo

    presented by Anay Modi, Luke O'Malley, and Garv Shah

    sponsored by Kranthi Bandaru, ITS Administration and Operations
  • Michigan App Student Exploration

    presented by Sisi Chen, Kezia Kok, Aditya Menon, Debbie Shih, and Kartik Sundaram

    sponsored by Kevin Jeong, ITS Administration and Operations
  • Omeka S Container Image Updates

    presented by Brandon Huynh, Jiwei Liu, Rena Shen, Anthony Tan, and John Umbriac

    sponsored by Nathan Fallahi and Luke Tracy, LSA Technology Services
1:05 p.m. 20 mins Intern Experience Panel
1:25 p.m. 5 mins Closing Remarks