What is your dream job after college?
My dream job lies somewhere in the technology field, where I can work with creative people to design and improve products and processes that improve the quality of people’s lives. While I’m not a tech person per se, I’d like to be involved both in the creative and project managing aspects of teamwork, where I can help more technology trained people apply their skills in an innovative, efficient way. I love the entrepreneurship mentality, wherever I can apply it.
What has been your favorite part of the internship thus far?
I have enjoyed so many aspects of the internship, including the fact that there was attention to individual work, cohort teamwork, mentorship, and coursework learning. If I had to choose one aspect in particular, I think it was being able to work across multiple projects, while my supervisor made sure I was learning the basics of project management; I feel that there has been a big investment in my professional development, and that is very much appreciated.
What skills are you hoping to gain by the end of the internship this August?
By the end of the internship, I’m hoping to be familiar, comfortable and experienced enough with the various aspects of project management, that I can more easily discern what needs to be done, how it needs to be done, the nuance of what needs to be done, etc., without requiring direct supervision. I feel like both my supervisor and mentor have been invested in heading me in that direction.
What assumptions did you have coming into the internship program?
I didn’t have specific assumptions coming into the internship program, as the field of project management was relatively new to me. However, I did not fully expect how much teamwork there would be among the cohort, as well as how much independence we would be offered to devise our projects, and those were both really positive realizations. I think the independence and cohort teamwork piece the internship offers, are stellar pieces of the experience.
What has been your favorite part about working from home?
Aside from the fact that there was no commute, and that I could get food quickly and readily between meetings, there were other pros to working from home. I was really impressed by how much connection you can actually make with people, and how much work can be done working remotely. I worked hard to set up a good home office, and now I have confidence that I could work remotely in the future and enjoy it.