What is your dream job after college?
My dream job, I think, would be a job I'm happy to work at every day, and have wonderful colleagues to be able to learn from and grow along with.
What has been your favorite part of the internship thus far?
My favorite part hasn't been just improving on my existing skills, but learning new technologies that I have never thought of working with before, and being able to round myself out even more as a result.
What skills are you hoping to gain by the end of the internship this August?
I hope to be able to build on my presenting skills & my knowledge of coding languages like Python, and also gain new skills when it comes to working with technologies like Ansible.
What assumptions did you have coming into the internship program?
I assumed I would have to have a wealth of skills & knowledge beforehand to be able to keep up with projects that I would be given, but thankfully I find that not to be the case. The amount of help & support I've gotten is awesome and there was no expectation that I had to know something inside & out before this internship, as long as I was ready and willing to learn.
What has been your favorite part about working from home?
My favorite part has been the immediacy of working from home, going to work and getting off work doesn't require a lengthy commute anymore. Instead, turning your computer on and off is how you start and end the work day.