Information for Supervisors - Requesting an Intern

Table of contents:

What we are looking for

  • Broad representation across technical and non-technical areas
  • Teams that are able to provide a unique experience tailored to the intern in your area
  • Positions that will allow interns a chance to interact with and be supported by their teammates
  • Projects that can deliver significant and lasting value to the campus community.


Intern Expectations

  • Please know that the majority of internship candidates will be enthusiastic undergraduate students, eager to learn and contribute though they may still be building specific skills and experience.
  • When thinking about hosting an intern, we encourage you to consider what you might require for an associate level position in your area. Usually, this involves 6 - 12 months of experience. Generally speaking, this is a good guideline for what to expect from an internship candidate.
  • Graduate students, or prospective Fellows (former ITS summer interns) may provide a bit more experience or skills, but try to keep expectations reasonable.



  • The cost to host an intern is approximately $11,000. Internship salaries will be funded half by the program and half by the hosting department. This means your department’s cost will be roughly $5,500. 
  • **Please note: Auxiliary-funded and outside ITS departments are not eligible for program funding; for those departments, the cost is roughly $11,000.


Job Categories

  • We encourage every application to include an appropriate job category to streamline the matching process.
  • Our job categories consist of Developer, Business Systems Analyst, UX Designer, System Administrator, Data Analyst, Project Manager, Communications/Social Media Specialist, Support Specialist, Technical Write/Instructional Designer, and Administration.
  • This is not an exhaustive list! We are open to creating new positions if it better matches your projects/needs.


Request Form

  • Your submission should include a job description that includes the intended projects interns will work on during the internship. You may refine this description at a later date, but it is helpful for us and candidates if we have as much information as possible up front.
  • Request an intern  


Job Description Guidelines

  1. Keep it short and direct.
  2. Avoid technical jargon or acronyms.
  3. Focus on essential tasks rather than occasional duties.
  4. Lead with what's most important.
  5. Show the result behind what they’ll be doing. (e.g., “knowledge of CRM software to build strong client relationships” instead of “knowledge of CRM software”)

Job Description Example

While writing your job description, we encourage you to include:

  1. Project background / position summary
  2. Deliverables and responsibilities
  3. Location
  4. Required and preferred technical and soft skills
  5. Tools used

View our job description example